When visitors enter, there’s so much to do:Go out on the balcony, enjoy the view,Or learn about nature, or purchase a snack,Or birdwatch in Central Park with a field pack.The view is a must—it inspired the name:A “beautiful view” is the castle’s main aim.Look down to see turtles who swim with wide strokesThrough silence that’s broken by frogs’ mighty croaks.How does the information in the first stanza contribute to the reader’s understanding of the second stanza?In the first stanza, the castle has a balcony, which leads to the decision to investigate the architecture.In the first stanza, the castle lets people learn about nature, which leads to the decision to birdwatch.In the first stanza, the visitor can purchase a snack, which leads to the decision to eat lunch.In the first stanza, the visitor is given choices, which leads to the decision to look at the view.