What would you do? Older Australians workers reinventing themselves by embracing technology.
Stereotypes about older workers are rife, including some employer’s attitudes that older workers are disinterested or lack the ability to undertake training and development; they are unable to change; and they lack competence because of the ageing process. This stereotype is problematic considering it is projected that one in five Australians will be 65 years old or over by 2035. We must leverage the capacity and energy of older Australians – but how?
Digital technologies such as online devices and tools could assist in this goal. However, making older Australians digitally savvy will require a massive rethink of the learning and training in Australia. Access to education via online channels and media will be crucial. These days, older workers wanting to keep learning have access to some of the world’s most prestigious institutions such as Stanford University, which now offers massive open online courses (MOOC’s), allowing anyone to access lectures and course contents.
Technology can also ed older Australians to forge connections. Digital platforms enable individuals to start their own microbusiness by connecting them with customers/clients and niche markets. An example of such a platform is the Better Caring platform which enables personalised support arrangements for older people as well as the people with disabilities by matching the needs and location of customers/clients and workers.
Despite the stereotype of older workers being less competent that their younger counterparts, senior entrepreneurs are defying these stereotypes by being part of Australian fastest growing entrepreneurial segment.
From your own experiences of your workplace or environment, describe some of these stereotypes and how it has affected you? (10 marks)
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What are some ways in which a manager can break down stereotypes about older workers in their team? (10 marks)
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What strategies can older workers themselves implement to break down stereotypes about older workers in the workplace. (10 marks)
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