To begin with, reality tv shows are made to give viewers an outlook on other people’s personal lives. Scripted reality tv shows can lead to a more negative effect upon society. One of the age groups that develop the negative effects are children. As a result of scripted reality tv, children’s talent growth can be undeveloped. They also attach to abusive words such as curse words in their vocabulary. Not only does scripted reality tv shows affect children, it affects adults watching too. Producers of reality tv shows make the show with the ending in mind, meaning that they know how to specifically target the viewer’s emotions. Adults watching scripted tv affects them mentally. In particular, It can make them feel depressed that their lives didn’t turn out the same as the participants in the tv shows. Scripted tv shows also lead to more domestic violence within adults. Producers may set up an altercation between the participants in the show, causing them to fight. This makes viewers expect that to be normal behavior in people’s lives.