The Question : 1. PART A: Which TWO of the following statements best
describe the central ideas of the text?
A Nicholas II was not a man suited to become the czar,
nor did he want this power.
B While the people thought of the czar almost like a
god, Nicholas Il considered himself more like an
instrument of the people’s will.
O C Had the Japanese not attacked Port Arthur, Russia
would have likely won the Russo-Japanese War
quickly and easily.
D The strange holy man Rasputin single-handedly
proved to the be the fall of the House of the
E The Romanovs’ obliviousness to Russian poverty
and suffering, combined with a number of bloody
tragedies, contributed to their unpopularity.
F The Bolsheviks were reluctant to permanently
remove the Romanovs, considering their very new
grasp on power and the people’s love for the royals.
So what is the correct answer? E, O would be the answer I think
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