Qu-iz In The Storm Total points 0/20 The respondent’s em-ail (10113133-stude-nt. stpsb.=org) was recorded on submission of this form. what is your name? * mr

Qu-iz In The Storm

Total points
The respondent’s em-ail (10113133-stude-nt. stpsb.=org) was recorded on submission of this form.
what is your name? *
mr sl-ap a
what is your last name? *
what block are you in? *
Use this to find the main idea DON’T FORGET HOW
Read the passage. Then answer the questions.
1.) What is the main idea of this passages? *
its about a guy that went into the storm
2.) How do you know? *
cuz i read the passage DU-HHH xD
3.) Type in 5 sentences that you know the main idea. *
how bout u do it its a school right teach me ni. gga
4.) write a short summary. Tell what is most important. *
how bout u
This fo-rm was created inside of St-. Tam-many Pa-rish Pu-blic Sch-ools.
Go-0ogle Forms
ima po-st this lol what yall think

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