It seems im always the one to cry
but never really the one who starts the fight
baby you mess with my head
be laying
in my bed
and no matter how hard i try cant get you outta my head
i hope everyones day is going amazing im very sorry for the cringey snipet of a song im making it sounds so corny rn i hope it gets better
heres some of my oppinons which are based on what ive heard from others and been through myself 🙂
-i feel soficated by the standards im and most girls are held to not saying boys arent either im just saying that we are all human and theres no benifit to being mean to others there are benifits to being kind though like making someone elses day i have a challenge walk up to 5 different strangers today and complimet them you will relize that being nice might not come with a pay but its better than dragging others down
if you have a bad day tell someone about it to see if they can but dont make them feel the same
have an amazing day sorry ik my spelling and grammer are very suck. y