In 1914, he added the most important piece of his assembly line, a mechanized belt . At first, the belt moved at a speed of six feet per minute. However, as his workers got used to the belt , he increased its speed. It no longer took 12 hours to build one car. Because of his invention, it only took 2 hours and 30 minutes to build a car in 1914. By 1924, the 10-millionth Model T rolled off the assembly Line.
Which of the following events happened in 1914?A. Henry ford’s workers could build one car in 12 hours.B. Henryford built machines that could stamp out parts more quickly than a human would ever be able to do.C. Henry Fords workers could build one car in 2 hours, 30 minutes.D. Henry Ford hired an expert to him make the car making process even more efficient.