I’M FAILING! >.< As you read lines 17–47, continue to highlight to cite textual evidence. What are the claims that Suu Kyi makes? Identify the evidence presented to support those claims. Lines 17-47 “ Developed and developing nations alike suffer as a result of policies removed from a framework of values which uphold minimum standards of justice and tolerance. The rapidity with which the old Soviet Union splintered into new states, many of them stamped with a fierce racial assertiveness, illustrates that decades of authoritarian rule may have achieved uniformity and obedience but could not achieve long-term harmony or stability. Nor did the material benefits enjoyed under the relatively successful post-totalitarian state of Yugoslavia succeed in dissipating the psychological impress of brooding historical experience that has now led to some of the worst religious and ethnic violence the Balkans have ever witnessed. Peace, stability, and unity cannot be bought or coerced; they have to be nurtured by promoting sensitivity to human needs and respect for the rights and opinions of others. Diversity and dissent need not inhibit the emergence of strong, stable societies, but inflexibility, narrowness, and unadulterated materialism can prevent healthy growth. And when attitudes have been allowed to harden to the point that otherness becomes a sufficient reason for nullifying a person’s claim to be treated as a fellow human being, the trappings of modern civilization crumble with frightening speed. In the most troubled areas of the world reserves of tolerance and compassion disappear, security becomes nonexistent and creature comforts are reduced to a minimum—but stockpiles of weapons abound. As a system of values, this is totally mad. By the time it is accepted that the only way out of an impasse of hate, bloodshed, and social and economic chaos created by men is for those men to get together to find a peaceful solution through dialogue and compromise, it is usually no longer easy to restore sanity. Those who have been conditioned by systems that make a mockery of the law by legalizing injustices and which attack the very foundations of harmony by perpetuating social, political, and economic imbalances cannot adjust quickly—if at all—to the concept of a fair settlement which places general well-being and justice above partisan advantage.”