Exercise III. Directions. Fill in the spaces with letters to come up with words
related to bias and prejudice. Use the givendefinitions as clue for your answers.e_A_I_I_S.1. It is the unfair difference in the way menand women are treated.- i_m2. It is the belief that group of humanspossess different behavioral traitscorresponding to physical appearanceand can be divided based on superiorityof one l’ace over the other,g_is_3. It is stereotyping and/or discriminationagainst Individuals or groups on the basisof their age.Lereake-le-1–xi_m4. It is the reaction to disconfirming evidenceby strengthening one’s previous beliefs.5. It is a prejudice or discrimination based onperson’s sex or gender. .sana poh merong sumagot​