End of semester Test English 10B
Select the correct answer
What inference can be made based on the highlighted sentence in the passage?
Tess of the d’Urbervilles
OA When cons get nervous, they can’t be miliced as easily
OB The new contand dont know how to use a three-legged stolto mica con
OC A new milker has to be careful because a cow might get spocked and use its homs
OD. Because Tess is present, the workers must sing to the cons
by Thomas Hardy
After Tess had seeded down to her cow, there was for a time no
talk in the barn. Not a sound interfered with the purr of the
milk jets into the numerous pals, except a momentary
exclamation to one or other of the beasts requesting her to
turn round or stand still The only movements were those of
the makers hands up and down, and the swing of the cous
tails. Thus they all worked on, encompassed by the vast fiat
meadow which extended to other slope of the valley
To my thining” said the dairyman, rising suddenly from a cow
he had just finished off, snatching up his three-legged stool in
one hand and the pail in the other, and moving on to the next
hard yielder in his vicinity to my thinking, the cows dont ge
down the milk today as usual Upon my life, if Wirker begins
keeping back like this, she’s not be worth miling by
“Tis because there’s a new hand come among us.” said
deanh things hafne
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